Monday, March 17, 2014

Hush child

I know of a place of fantasy 
where the moon and stars all dance
and everyone is happy
I knew of a place of fantsasy 
but now it rains no more
beyond repair, it's corrupted
by blood malice and gore

Friday, March 7, 2014

I'm afraid of myself

I can feel you staring at me trying to figure me out.

good luck
i'm still trying
if you find anything out feel free to leave me a message 

I can't help but think of how many relationships I've ruined beacuse I know deep deep deep deep

down inside I should just be alone

alone to suffer with my thoughts 
alone to cry 

alone to feel

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Previously The outcast from heaven

its been a while  since i last sat down to type away my hormonal rants 
i miss it
staring at the white screen watching my words fill up the page then deleting them 
until i finally could bear to share a piece of my mind with 60 something people who I couldn't stand to talk to in person.

screw them
who cares if my work sucks 

I like it

my stuffed animal seems to like it
so here's to me
and maybe you

raise your glass of tears and let your words put a black mark on your screen
don't hold back 

let your inner demons free 
show the world how dark and twisted you really are